Books, apps, and videos that have helped me on my journey

There are so many resources out there that it can be difficult to know what is worth your time. Here are some of the things that have helped me the most. **No affiliate links here, just things I love!**


  • Run It Like a Business - Aubrey Bergauer

    This is required reading for any musician without a patron. The biggest take away: well-educated, interested people do not know how to engage with classical music.There is so much in music that we musicians take for granted, like composer names and jargon, as well as what can be expected. (One of Mahler's symphonies is a completely different universe from Haydn's, but we still use the word "symphony".) This book is a guide to helping people enjoy the music, whether they know the jargon or not.

  • The War of Art - Stephen Pressfield

    An author himself, Stephen explores what it means to be a professional creative. His concept of "the resistance" (the force that keeps you distracted and not doing the work that matters) really helped me to embrace my best work.

  • The Artist's Journey - Stephen Pressfield

    Another great work that compares and contrasts the path of the artist to the archetypal Hero's Journey. It has helped me to understand the implications of an artistic career.

  • Arete - Brian Johnson

    This is an anthology of great wisdom from the ages. Brian Johnson has done a great job of curating the best of the best and presenting it in a way that is easy to digest - you can pick it up and read a few pages at a time. I've found the book and the accompanying app to be very helpful in applying the wisdom to my life.

  • The Art of Impossible - Steven Kotler

    Steven Kotler is a master of flow states and peak performance. This book is a great introduction to the way the brain works with specific tips for applying it to your daily schedule.

  • Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss

    The FBI's former top negotiator gives his take on how to negotiate by starting with the assumption that humans are irrational (in direct opposition to traditional thinking). By learning to negotiate through this book, one learns how to be a better listener and a better human.

  • The Way of the Seal - Mark Divine

    Mark is a former Navy SEAL. He takes his many years of tactical experience and distills it into a book fundamentally about goals. He expounds on something like a "complete warrior" mentality by talking about how one must be a master of one's body, mind, and spirit. He has many practical exercises, including visualization exercises and things to keep in mind when setting a goal. This book can act as a gateway into mindfulness throughout one's life.

  • Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss

    Tim has interviewed the leaders and most skilled people in dozens of fields and has gained great insight into what it takes to be one of the top people in the field. This book hits the highlights from some of his favorite guests and is an introduction to both Tim and his guests. If you find an entry you like, I would encourage you to listen to the full episode on Tim's podcast.

  • Man's Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl

    Victor Frankl was a holocaust survivor and a psychiatrist. He writes about his experiences in the concentration camps and how he was able to find meaning in his suffering. This book introduces logotherapy and how one can find meaning in their life. It is the perfect book for any musician struggling to find meaning. I have found that the older I get, the more I appreciate this book.


  • Arete

    This is the companion app to the book by Brian Johnson. It is focused on helping you to identify your personal key values and the corresponding goals and habits that effectively support those values. It is a great tool for keeping track of your progress and staying on track with your goals.

  • Fluent Forever

    I've found this app to be the best ways to get high-level proficiency in a language in a short amount of time. The app is based on the book by the same name by Gabriel Wyner (also worth reading).

  • XPT

    Designed by legendary surfer Laird Hamilton, this app has great workouts and breathing exercises.

  • Anki

    A flashcard app that helps you study more effectively and remember things longer. You can use text, images, and sounds to create dynamic flashcards that are infinitely more memorable than traditional flashcards.

Courses & Podcasts

  • First Call Musician / Elite Ears

    Danny Ziemann has several courses and workshops on rotation. He breaks down ear training into manageable chunks and has completely changed the way I approach learning music by ear.

  • Seth Godin's Startup School

    Seth Godin is a legendary marketer and entrepreneur and has written numerous books on building relationships and finding people who already want what you're selling. He has a podcast that is a recording of a workshop he did with a group of entrepreneurs. It's the perfect start for anyone looking to start an ensemble or a business.

  • Wim Hof Method

    Wim Hof is famous for his cold exposure and breathing techniques. I got my start in breathwork with his classics course. He has an associated app as well.

  • Tara Brach

    Tara Brach is a psychologist and meditation teacher with weekly meditations and talks. Despite being free, they are some of the best guided meditations I've found.